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  • After Hours Appointment Requests and Fees
    Special Requests for appointments outside of our normal business hours may be considered on a case by case basis and will be subject to an additional after hours fee of $50 per hour in addition to our standard service pricing.
  • What is microblading?
    Microblading, also known by a variety of names such as eyebrow embroidery, microstroking, soft tap, and feather touch is a form of semi-permanent makeup that provides a means to partially or fully camouflage missing eyebrow hair with the appearance of simulated hair using fine deposits of cosmetic tattoo pigments into the epidermis with a manual tool comprised of several microneedles.
  • How long does microblading last?
    It depends, but typically 1 to 3 years. The factors that affect how long they last are: the person's age, skin type, sun exposure, skin care products you use, and how active your lifestyle is.
  • What would disqualify me from being a good candidate for microblading?
    The most common automatic disqualifiers are if you are: under the age of 18, pregnant, breast feeding, prone to keloids, undergoing chemotherapy, have a pacemaker/major heart problems, viral infections/diseases. When booking an appointment, you will be required to answer a questionnaire which will help us determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.
  • Does it hurt?
    Everyone has a different pain tolerance. Some have compared the feeling to be similar to tweezing their eyebrows. I use a quality lidocaine, which is a numbing cream that helps make the procedure as pleasant as possible. Most say they feel nothing.
  • How long does it take to heal?
    Initial healing is 10-14 days depending on the person. Healing is complete within 4-6 weeks.
  • How long does the procedure take?
    For the initial brow procedure, about 1.5 to 2 hours. For touch-ups, it is typically up to 1 hour.
  • I'm very active (cross fit, sports, yoga, etc.), will this be an issue?"
    NO sweating for 10 days! Avoid any exercise, since sweat and oils can cause the hair strokes to fade faster, blur and spread out. THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL.
  • Can I wear makeup right after I get my service done?
    Nothing on or near the brows for a full 2 weeks. You may wear eye makeup, and foundation, etc., but just don't go near the freshly done area! This is technically a wound and should not be exposed to any bacteria during the initial 2 week healing phase.
  • Do I need a touch-up procedure?
    A touch-up is highly recommended (and included in the initial price) to fill in the areas where the skin might have rejected the pigments from the initial procedure and to add final touches to complete the brows. Occasionally a client may decide they want the work darker, thicker, etc. and these adjustments can be made at the 4-6 week touchup appointment. Understand that if you fail to attend your touchup appointment within 8 weeks of the original service, it will be forfeited.
  • If I am on medications, can I get micro blading done?"
    If you have used accutane in the past 12 months then you will not be eligible for this procedure. You should not have a pace maker, be going through chemo, or be under the age of 18. Understand that medicine changes the body's chemistry, which can cause the pigments not to attach to the body's cells. Therefore, pigment retention might not take so well for people who are on medications. Results vary for certain individuals. You may be required to provide medical authorization from your physician to proceed with getting microblading done.
  • Is microblading the same as a tattoo?
    Definitely not. Although the microblading portion of the work performed during the process should ideally only be implanted into the epidermis, (not the dermis like traditional tattoo), it should be semi-permanent but sometimes fragments of pigment may remain indefinitely, which is why the results are so much more natural looking and crisp.
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